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June 28, 2009


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What a lovely piece! Having only lived a few years here, a few years there, I don't have a house that holds me that way. My longing and my sense of place are a vague, free-floating yearning for sun, for sky, for heat, lizards on the wall. But I do know what you mean about missing the sense of them, the family, all around me. I miss them still and, as much as they annoy me, I would like nothing better than to have them all live on my street to bicker with in that comfortable way that only people who love each other unconditionally can do.

a thousand shades of twilight

Ah! Got to love those lizards on the wall! :) I sometimes wish that I was less sedentary, and was more free-floating in my yearnings! I think the rest of my family have been more adventurous and gypsyish - even my parents upped sticks and retired to a completely different state. Make that "State"...

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