In the interests of keeping things fresh, and to give you a break from hearing more things you did not need to know about me, from time to time I would like to indulge in what I think of as 'automatic blogging.' As the Young Folks say, it will be, like, totally random. Here then, without commentary, are three things that caught my eye this week:
(from 'The Concise Home Doctor - Encyclopedia of Good Health' - The Educational Book Company)
'One night, after three nights on a mountain unsuccessfully chasing a she-bear, the Captain suddenly let loose with his pen, in a torrent of hot temper, against the whole caboodle.'
(from 'Five Sisters - The Langhornes of Virginia' by James Fox)
'George: Sunday, tomorrow; all day.
Martha: Yes.
(A long silence between them)'
(from 'Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?' by Edward Albee).
#1 - My, that DOES look like an interference!
#2 - Those she-bears! So difficult to catch! I, too, have been sorely tempted to let forth a caboodle with my pen!!!
#3 - (The silence stretches on.)
Posted by: Elizabeth | June 01, 2009 at 12:16 PM
Ha! That picture could almost be me at work, post-lunch...
Caboodling is vastly underrated, I feel, especially when it comes to those pesky she-bears...
Posted by: a thousand shades of twilight | June 01, 2009 at 08:14 PM