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May 24, 2009


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Well, Frederick von Furstenburg, my old goat, I thought I couldn't get any madder about you!


I thoroughly enjoyed that YouTube clips with Kate Bush. Thanks.

a thousand shades of twilight

Ralphie: Thanks my Dear Patient sweetie! :)
Puglyfeet: Thanks for dropping by! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I love seeing people getting creative on youtube. Those old clips are amazing and nicely put together by StanRD2005. It reminds me of a Terence Davies film. And Kate Bush continues to inspire me.


yay! I'm glad you had fun doing it. Many favorite lines here including (but not limited to):
"The tune eludes me... but I persevere none the less."

"And gasped. I would only countenance grey in a desert boot..."

"It is not exactly an object, but I would not mind purchasing a new stomach."

But my absolutely favorite thing of all is that picture of you marching around with a potty on your head. My twins used to put underpants on their heads and play puppies (they'd pull their hair out the leg holes to make puppy ears), and it just made me grin like a lunatic. As does your potty hat.

a thousand shades of twilight

Eliz: Thanks, my darling! I think people putting things on their heads is ALWAYS a winner! We have so many Christmas photos of the family with strange things on their heads. Someone pulls out a camera and we reach for a prop! That's really cute about the puppies - I worry about children who don't see the fun in stuff like that.
Oh, and for the record, the potty was, of course, unused..


Oh, sure.......


ugh--love kate bush, and your taste in video imagery! i listen to her when i'm at work and need an escape (which is pretty often).

i've made large-scale prints of Candy! they are super-cool looking; framed in black and totally flush and floating and pixelated! i'm entering them in a show--will let you know how it goes!!!! i'll also take pictures of it as soon as i can find a wall big enough to hold all 5 prints...I'm having trouble with the name of the piece though, but I want to maybe use her "name" in it somewhere.

and, just so you know, i read your blog regularly although i'm usually too bashful to write any comments. either that or haven't got any measure of wit to offer. But i love it, and thank you for it!

a thousand shades of twilight

Hi Lizzie! So nice to hear from you. Thanks so much for your lovely comments - please don't be bashful! No reason to be! :)

Kate Bush is excellent - I keep coming back to her as I get older. I just love the way that she has always done her own Kate Bush thing. I love the thought that there was a time when such a maverick could be in the top 10 on a regular basis.

I am so excited about your prints!! Elizabeth tells me that you are a lithographer? I majored in Lithography when I was at art school and it is not every day that I come across someone else who is into it! I can't wait to see your prints. As a failed artist myself (my choice!) nothing gives me greater pleasure than to think that something on my blog might have inspired an artist such as yourself! Hoorah!

I hope we can catch up when Dear Patient M and I head your way in September!


I'm entering the prints today! I can't find anything about Candice Green though, as I've been trying...may have to do some more serious research...

a thousand shades of twilight

I can't find anything on Candice G either - the only reference I can find is to the fanclubcountry site which is French - I think it may be from Quebec? Perhaps Candy was also..

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