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April 05, 2009


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As we say in the (American) South, you're preaching to the choir, honey! My mother put me on diets starting around age ten. And I was only mildly, awkward-stage chubby. In high school I'd have a Tab and a brownie for breakfast. I've been vegetarian, all-protein-diet-ataritan, went two whole years without eating any sugar. Now it's all about exercise: got to get back to yoga! got to start walking FIRST thing in the morning! etc, etc.

But i also think that finding love (not to mention the approach of middle age) has a lot to do with the development of those love handles. So blame it all on Dear Patient M!

a thousand shades of twilight

Ha! I think that you are right - that's why they call them love handles! I must admit that I always used to say that the moment I found someone, I'd let myself go and start wearing loafers and muu-muus!

I actually would like to just stop thinking about it all and see what happens..

Orange County Yoga

I actually would like to just quit considering it all and see what happens..

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