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October 19, 2008


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Thank you! That was the silliest Hustle I have ever seen! I especially liked the pat-a-cake parts. I was imagining the dancers thinking, 'I went to The Royal Dance Academy for THIS?" (See, a little melancholy can creep in anywhere, so you're covered.)

Also, re the kaftan, tell M. that Egyptian men commonly wear a kaftan-like robe called a Galabya. Tell him also that the U.N. recently had a vote and Egyptian men were rated as "least likely to wear anything resembling a mu-mu." Really! So it's more like Rudolph Valentino in "The Sheik" and less like Divine in "Hairspray."


Thank you! That was the silliest Hustle I have ever seen! I especially liked the pat-a-cake parts. I was imagining the dancers thinking, 'I went to The Royal Dance Academy for THIS?" (See, a little melancholy can creep in anywhere, so you're covered.)

Also, re the kaftan, tell M. that Egyptian men commonly wear a kaftan-like robe called a Galabya. Tell him also that the U.N. recently had a vote and Egyptian men were rated as "least likely to wear anything resembling a mu-mu." Really! So it's more like Rudolph Valentino in "The Sheik" and less like Divine in "Hairspray."

a thousand shades of twilight

Yes, I am always partial to a bit of pat-a-cake myself! I also like the coquettish little waves of the hand. And I agree, there is a defiantly melancholy strain of "You can't pay me enough to do this".."I coulda been someone".. etc etc.

I think that they look like fluffy ducklings - wasn't The Hustle meant to be a bit more "Street"? It's gloriously absurd.

Thanks for the Galabya information - I need all the support that I can get in my crusade to reinstate the Man-dress as a fashion staple!


Yes ducklings or cygnets.
Not too far away from "The dance of the cygnets" from Swan Lake. The remake.

Anyway, wryly smiling, thank you.

a thousand shades of twilight

Hi Boynton! Yes, cygnets is probably kinder and closer to the mark than ducklings..
Thanks for dropping by and glad to hear that you are wryly smiling - a wry smile is the best type of smile in my book!

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