The Evil World of Commerce


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August 25, 2008


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Alright, now I have a new plan for your future. You should write a book of histories of the pitifully ridiculous. This is such an awful story, and it just amused me no end. Really. You know, you have a boatload of talent and a very dry, backhanded way of saying things. Just something to think about.....

Anyway, have a great week off.


P.S. - When most writers try to be funny, they push it too hard and it feels forced. Your wit has a bemused quality to it and also a willingness to get sidetracked by the interesting detail - e.g. "the visible-from-outer-space stakes (if such stakes do, indeed, exist...") - which make it feel more natural.

Will stop now. Clearly been doing editing too long. All I'm saying is, I'd read "A Series of Unfortunate Histories" by 1000 Shades of Twilight!

a thousand shades of twilight

Ah, Elizabeth thanks, as ever, for your feedback and encouragement! That is actually an inspired plan and I should just bloody do it, shouldn't I?
I enjoy writing these little miserable stories - most of the work is already done by the writers of the original article and their hysterical tone!! :)

a thousand shades of twilight

PS Your feeback made me feel very chuffed - especially coming from a writer such as yourself! :)And I'm thrilled to hear you pick up on the bemused quality - it's a word I often use to describe my father's humour - it's a bit of a family trait!
I am having a nice week off (much thrifting all over Adelaide!!).I always feel that I start to become my 'real' self while on holiday!

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