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July 13, 2008


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Thanks for the strokes, S. It was quite a surprise when this pic popped up, I forgot that it was mine. It's ok, I s'pose...

a thousand shades of twilight

ah, modest as ever, baby! :)


Must visit him on flickr. I'm impressed about the use of the vintage equipment. I'm completely dependent on my no-brain-required digital.

And it does look just like the Pemberly of my imagination!


I mean Manderly....
(One of the most haunting first lines ever!)

a thousand shades of twilight

Yes, Elizabeth - I'm impressed by the vintage factor too!! (While being a Luddite who unintentionally makes things more 'vintage' than they need to be, I am impressed by those who know what they are doing!) It's funny that this 'Manderly' looks so gloomy and English - it was actually taken on a really hot South Australian day! And,yes, what a fantastic opening line - once heard, never forgotten!

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