The Evil World of Commerce


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July 20, 2008


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This is a great collection of found objects. Have you thought about returning to the same place and leaving a mysterious note of your own so some newer, younger athousandshadesoftwilight could add it to their collection?

a thousand shades of twilight

Ralphie, dear, unfortunately I have not been able to set foot in that accursed joint since quitting in a fit of pique well over 15 years ago. I often walk past it on my way to the train station, though, and am delighted to say that it still has exactly the same decor that it had in the early 90s. Which was exactly the same decor it had in the 1970s when it first began...
That said, I am all for mysterious notes of any description!


That first real job when you're still wet behind the ears... It's a real shock to the system. (Mine was at Cliff's Variety store on Castro Street.) What a good idea to collect stray things. Favorites:
The photos, especially of the kids. Heartbreaking.
The "Jennie Holzer" drawing. The real J.H. seems to be a woman with a sly sense of humor, so I bet she'd be amused.
"See thru waitresses" - wouldn't that be odd and confusing!
"Jello Wrestling, for all social club and sporting functions." Because who doesn't enjoy a good Jello wrestle, whether it's at a soccer game or a book club meeting?
and finally, poor "Angelique/Shannon" and her identity crisis. French hooker or Australian Everygirl, what shall I be today?
All so great and so expressive of you.

a thousand shades of twilight

Ha! Thanks for your comments, Eliz!:) What was Cliff's Variety Store like? I still feel like a fraud in the workplace and am waiting to be exposed as such. Actually, the only thing that really drives me at work is a deep sense of insecurity. If it wasn't for that driving me, I would probably loll about drinking cocktails all day and wouldn't get anything done!
I particularly like your point about the Jello wrestling - I take it the Old Age Pensioners Lawn Bowls Xmas break up would count? Yes, I thought it was a bit rough that Shannon had to re-use Angelique's card...
Jenny Holzer was a big influence on me in my younger days but I have sort of lost track of her - you're right about her sense of humour!

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